Journal of Literature & Aesthetics

An international peer-reviewed journal devoted to critical and creative writing in English

Guidelines for authors
We consider for publication:
  • Research articles on a wide variety of topics – literary, cultural and intellectual. We have a special interest in critical theory, comparative literary studies and Indian literature, thought and culture.
  • Papers read at national or international seminars, provided they are in the format of research articles.
  • Short stories and poems originally written in English or translated from various Indian or foreign languages.
  • Interviews with authors of national or international standing.
  • Reviews of currently or recently published books.
  • Articles which have been previously published or are under consideration for publication elsewhere will not be accepted.
Other specifications for submission
  • The title page should carry the title of the article and the name of the author/authors. The postal address, email id and phone number of the author should be given separately.
  • The article should not normally exceed 5000 words.
  • The format and documentation should conform to the specifications recommended by the latest edition of MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers.
  • The author should provide an abstract of the article in about 120 words and four or five keywords.
  • A brief bio-note of the author should also be provided.
  • Ensure that the manuscripts are ‘spell checked’ and ‘grammar checked.’
  • Submissions in Microsoft word form are to be sent to the Chief Editor at or Associate Editor at
Guidelines for reviewers

JLA publishes in-depth reviews of currently or recently published books. To know the thrust areas of our interest see guidelines for authors. The normal length of a review would be around one thousand words. Unsolicited reviews will also be considered for publication, subject to the approval of the referees. The review should contain the full publications details of the work under review, its total page number and price.